Padded Wheelchair Armrests
Our Padded Wheelchair Armrests provide a great deal of comfort and support. Padded Wheelchair Armrests are an upgrade from plastic wheelchair armrests.
Padded Wheelchair Armrests
These padded wheelchair armrests offer superior comfort to any other style of armrests. We have different styles of padded wheelchair armrests specific to the chairs they need to go to. In order to help figure out exactly what size & style of wheelchair armrest you need, you need to either find the serial number on the cross braces underneath the chair or find the hole spacing underneath your current armrest or on the top of your armrest assembly. Padded wheelchair armrests benefit people with dry or sore elbows and forearms. They are a cost effective way to replace either damaged wheelchair armrests or replace any current armrest you do not like. We supply both full length and desk length padded wheelchair armrests.
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